Parent Comments
Parent A
I had a parent consultation with the class teacher. She acknowledged their effort this year. I am very proud of them. I want to thank you for your teaching and your excellent arrangement to resolve all their needs. I am also grateful to know that W and K improved a lot over the last 6 months. Please help me to thank (the tutor) for his professional guidance.
Parent B
We are happy with your teaching. You did a great job in arranging our appointment with teachers and also providing great comments in reviewing performance after class. We greatly appreciate you and the teachers' the time and effort providing the end of lesson feedback for us.
Parent C
Thank you again for you and your team's professional teaching.
Parent D
Really impressive that M is upgrading her confidence to express herself. A big thank for your efforts and patience.
Parent E
Thanks for providing the lesson briefing. l am delighted you have gone through chapter 1-4 with him because by reviewing what he read before will consolidate his understanding more deeply.
Parent F
This is a great report, thank you so much!
Parent G
I heard R has had a lot improvement on her performance, it is so encouraging. And her growth is so amazing. I believe you have made a huge effort. Thank you so much!
Parent H
I also see her confidence has been growing up a lot, it is very great! Thank you for your efforts! Hope she is continuing to increase her strength in all areas.
Parent I
Hear your comments on her writing, you and H have worked together to get this well done. I am so proud of her that she is building up her confidence as fast as she can. Thanks !
Parent J
I really like to know her learning processes, thank you for telling me - it was so detailed. You are so nice. Hope everything is good.
Parent K
As l said before, T will attend school in the UK but l have not decided when to leave HK. I am sure you will inspire him to excel in mastering the English language.