Extremely motivating and inspiring.
The standard of tutors was exceptional and I enjoyed every minute of the lessons.
World class instruction.
The tutors are always available, even tempered and supportive... Their guidance was detailed and invaluable - not only because they are tutors but because they are who they are. They are a real inspiration to anyone..
What impressed me most is that you can always come up with new ideas every day and the appropriate teaching strategies are always transmitted to us in a communicative and analytical way
Tutors thorough, knowledgeable and supportive, with rich feedback, although nerve wracking at times, was very helpful, appreciated the fact that feedback was not encased in fluff.
Thank you for your fantastic teaching.
I think you are a very excellent teacher.
I really appreciate your excellent teaching and humour

Thank you for teaching us so well. I’ll remember it forever!
You give lessons in a lively and interesting way.
The tutor has been a real inspiration to me on many different levels
I heard R has had a lot improvement on her performance, it is so encouraging. And her growth is so amazing. I believe you have made a huge effort. Thank you so much!
Hear your comments on her writing. You and H have worked together to get this - well done. I am so proud of her that she is building up her confidence as fast as she can. Thanks !
Thanks for providing the lesson briefing. l am delighted you have gone through chapter 1-4 with him because by reviewing what he read before will consolidate his understanding more deeply.
The teaching was excellent, best I have ever received.
The trainers are obviously professional and constructed the course perfectly
The tutors were AMAZING!... People who have had so much experience in their teaching careers. I was honoured to know them, and to receive advice from them.
The tutor helps me to see my strengths and weaknesses with a positive attitude which makes me feel more confident. I really appreciate your excellent teaching.
I never knew classes could be so engaging and intellectually stimulating. I used to actually look forward to them - for the first time in my life.
All the instructors have made life very easy for the group as a whole, and have always made themselves available, for which I'm very grateful.
The quality of the teaching was first class.
What you have taught us is really valuable.
I feel humbled and eager to implement and expand on what I have learned here with the tutors. I really feel like they have given me the tools and insights to develop.
The best instructors ever! They were excellent teachers and coaches. Extremely encouraging and supportive. They made the lessons enjoyable and useful.
The tutors have been excellent! They have been very approachable helpful and provided invaluable feedback. The encouragement and support has really been great.
This is a great report, thank you so much!
Really impressive that M is upgrading her confidence to express herself. A big thank for your efforts and patience.
The quality of the teaching was first class.
I really like to know her learning processes, thank you for telling me - it was so detailed. You are so nice. Hope everything is good.
I see her confidence has been growing up a lot, it is very great! Thank you for your efforts! Hope she is continuing to increase her strength in all areas.
We are happy with your teaching. You did a great job in arranging our appointment with teachers and also providing great comments in reviewing performance after class. We greatly appreciate you and the teachers' the time and effort providing the end of lesson feedback for us.