What we want as parents in Hong Kong, and internationally, is awareness of where our child is going academically and personally. We know that our children (regardless of age) all need resilience and skills because the world keeps changing. What challenges they face and solve may be their key to a successful future.
I am old enough to remember when tech arrived, and two friends, who were doing very ordinary jobs, decided to learn coding. They needed to find a solution to their career challenges, so they decided to learn something new.
By coincidence, they both decided to solve their career challenges in the same way and study coding. Neither of them was particularly good at math, so we thought it was a minor hobby (kind of like being interested in how to identify a good tea). But no, they both took it seriously, worked hard at it, and challenge met and solved! One went on to manage software security systems at a big bank, and the other changed career again, got a PhD, and became an academic.
For both, meeting career challenges and a happy family life were their keys. Oh, and yes, one of them also completely changed career again later in life.

Student Challenges at School
Academic Performance Challenge
Academic performance is frequently at the top of parents' concerns, and when your child is struggling to keep pace with key subjects, especially reading and math, that concern can be amplified. You may think that your child should be strong in all subjects, and as a result the workload can be huge. But is that reasonable? Sure, being competent in core subjects is important, but being good at everything may not be what you need.
While a degree of competence in basics is necessary for most careers, it is absolutely not necessary to be good at everything. I recall a fellow student when I was at school, who was very weak in some subjects and very dedicated to learning math. He went on to become a highly successful engineer, running his own company—proof that sometimes being excellent at one thing may be enough.
If you want support and guidance in your learning, contact us: MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395

Social Skills Challenges
Many parents know how difficult it is to maintain and improve relationships within families, groups, and with friends. A very close friend of mine says she prefers studying avionics because that's much simpler than dealing with people.😊 Many young students in Hong Kong would agree with her because, at a time in which there is so much to learn and there is so much change and so much academic pressure, it is hard for them to develop enough of a sense of confident identity to be comfortable in the groups they need to deal with. Sometimes an inability in this area can have significant impact on their lives.
There is a myth, overblown through social media contact, that your identity and your security is around how many people you know and how popular you are. In fact, lots of media presence can be the major source of a problem. The belief that you have to be popular is a very unnecessary burden that young people place on themselves. Dunbar shows that we typically have only 1.5 intimates in our lives and 5 close friends (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number). We do need to be realistic.😊
Most certainly, we do need the sort of confidence that is expressed in good eye contact, an ability to engage positively, and an ability to be confident in our sense of self, but that is very different from the burden of being popular. For a student to realize and accept that is a good first step.
If you want support and guidance in your learning, contact us: MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395

Classroom Skills Challenges
There is great benefit in having many students in one place for broad efficiency and a sense of group identity, culture, and cooperation. Classroom teaching at a school can ensure that study is in line with educational objectives which include a range of subjects and life skills. Of course, this also ensures students are prepared and assessed for local or international exams which can be used as a benchmark for further qualifications. Quite reasonably though, for some students, the lockstep nature of classroom learning in which the teacher by necessity must teach the general 'group' rather than a series of individuals, means they lose concentration or ambition in relation to learning and do not learn as efficiently as they might otherwise.
Some of the skills students can use in the classroom include active listening (using SABA to summarize, anticipate, read between the lines, and agree/disagree as the lesson progresses) to keep themselves focused. Learning very worthwhile timeouts to refresh their mind with meditation breathing techniques – something which can be done in a few seconds. Writing notes of questions to ask the teacher after class. Using memorization techniques to engage more fully with the teaching. Doing discreet stretching exercises for hands and feet which can also serve to increase blood flow and therefore concentration.
These techniques can help, though of course they may not be suitable for everyone because of their particular classroom, or their particular learning needs.
If you want support and guidance in your learning, contact us: MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395


MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395

好多家長都知道維持同改善家庭、朋輩同朋友關係有幾困難。我有個好好嘅朋友話佢寧願學航空電子,因為呢個比處理人際關係簡單得多。😊 好多香港學生都會同意佢嘅睇法,因為喺呢個要學好多嘢、有好多轉變同學業壓力嘅時代,佢哋好難建立到足夠嘅自信身份,喺佢哋要應付嘅群體中感到自在。有時喺呢方面嘅不足會好大程度影響佢哋嘅生活。
有個經社交媒體放大咗嘅謬誤,就係你嘅身份同安全感係建基於你識幾多人同有幾受歡迎。事實上,太多社交媒體接觸反而可能係問題嘅主要來源。覺得自己一定要受歡迎係年輕人俾自己嘅一個好無謂嘅負擔。鄧巴研究顯示,我哋通常喺生命中只有1.5個知己同5個密友 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number)。我哋要實際啲。😊

學生可以喺課堂用嘅技巧包括主動聆聽(用SABA嚟總結、預測、解讀弦外之音,同喺課堂進行期間表示同意/反對)嚟保持專注。學習好有價值嘅暫停時間,用冥想呼吸技巧嚟令腦筋清醒 – 呢個得幾秒就做到。寫低問題等放學後問老師。用記憶技巧嚟更投入教學。做啲細微嘅手腳伸展運動,呢啲可以增加血液循環從而提高專注力。
如果你需要學習支援同指導,歡迎聯絡我哋: MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395


MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395

很多家长都知道维持和改善家庭、团体和朋友关系有多困难。我有个很好的朋友说她宁愿学习航空电子,因为这比处理人际关系简单多了。😊 很多香港学生都会同意她的看法,因为在这个需要学习很多东西、有很多变化和学业压力的时代,他们很难建立起足够的自信身份,在他们需要应对的群体中感到自在。有时在这方面的不足会严重影响他们的生活。
有个被社交媒体放大的误解,就是你的身份和安全感是建立在你认识多少人和有多受欢迎。事实上,过多的社交媒体接触反而可能是问题的主要来源。觉得自己一定要受欢迎是年轻人给自己的一个很不必要的负担。邓巴研究显示,我们通常在生命中只有1.5个知己和5个密友 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number)。我们要实际一点。😊
MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395

学生可以在课堂使用的技能包括主动聆听(使用SABA来总结、预测、解读言外之意,和在课堂进行期间表示同意/反对)来保持专注。学习很有价值的暂停时间,用冥想呼吸技巧来让头脑清醒 – 这个只需几秒钟就能做到。写下问题等放学后问老师。使用记忆技巧来更投入教学。做一些细微的手脚伸展运动,这些可以增加血液循环从而提高专注力。
MyIT https://hk.myittutor.org/ +852 92791395