We want to be fluent in communication because we have needs around the relationships we have and the quality of the information we give to people.
In an easy relationship (see https://www.hk.myittutor.org/post/why-is-spoken-fluency-your-secret-advantage) the most important thing is how hard it is for your colleague or friend to understand you.
You could of course stick to very simple language and ideas, but is that fluent enough?
There are many things you can do to make your communication less difficult for your friend or colleague.
Visit us - click the image - to start your fluency gains!
And if you want to move your fluency from ‘enough’ to ‘great communicator’, there are more steps you need to take.
When you want to express yourself and you need to ‘find’ the words, you are not fluent.
But if you can find the words, and you can make understanding easier for your colleague or friend then you have the fluency of a great communicator.
Some major improvements you can make in this area are around your choice of pausing, repetition of your key points, and stressing the content you wish to deliver (through changes in volume, pitch or speed).
This is equally effective for delivering information or improving your relationship. Your colleagues or friends will feel very grateful that you have made that effort.
If you are going to become expert in your communication and want to develop high level fluency, contact us for exceptional tutors, exceptional learning, exceptional resources, and exceptional results:
service@myittutor.org +852 92791395 WhatsApp
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