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Frank Doogan
1 min read
MyIT 一對一線上教學最棒的十七個理由。在此觀看影片或閱讀部落格。
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Frank Doogan
2 min read
The most effective way to build fluency is through vocabulary. Watch the video here or read the blog.
We know fluency in a language is about your capacity to express meaning well; your ability to reduce the amount of work your listener has...

Frank Doogan
4 min read
Seventeen reasons why one-to-one online is best!
Read the blog below or watch the video. When online became popular there were a number of schools and tutorial centers who did not do a...

Frank Doogan
2 min read
衡量流利程度最重要的標準是您的目標受眾群體必須花費多少精力才能理解您的語言。 當您在學習一門語言(或一門相對高階的語言)時,所可能面臨的最大挑戰是如何快速選用所學的短語來表達句子的完整意義並表明您的流利程度。 調整短語所需的時間越長,您的流利程度就越低。...

Frank Doogan
2 min read
Memory skills for Science and Language are different. Watch the video here or read the blog.
Ever wondered why you can remember most things, but vocabulary is difficult - especially when you want to use it? Memorizing for language...

Frank Doogan
1 min read
Do your lessons make fluency problems? Watch the video here or read the blog.
How much do your lessons get in the way of your fluency? We know that different approaches to teaching have different fluency results....

Frank Doogan
2 min read
Why drilling is so important. Watch the video here or read the blog.
The most important measure of fluency is how little work your listener must do to understand you. When you are learning a language (or...

Frank Doogan
2 min read
如果您閱讀任何語言的文章,並且不完全明白它的意思,您可以將其放入人工智能係統進行總結或摘要。 簡單。 如果你在聆聽任何語言的內容,你都可以做同樣的事情,並得到同樣的結果來幫助你理解。 簡單。 如果您想用任何語言進行寫作,您可以用母語編寫,寫完後您再通過翻譯應用程序獲得高質量...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
Why is spoken fluency your secret advantage?
If you read something in any language, and you're not completely sure what it is, you can put it into an AI system and ask for a summary...

Frank Doogan
1 min read
What skills does a great tutor have?
In this video, Joe talks about the experiences and qualifications he has that have helped him to become a great tutor. He talks about his...

Frank Doogan
2 min read
Self improvement is future proof
How do we deal with the future? Image copyright A...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
What is the balance between study and breaks?
If you are a student, you need to study. Your ambition is to learn as much as you can to improve and to do well in an exam. If you like,...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
With so much AI, who needs tutors? With so much AI, who needs tutors is a very...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
Why remember when you can just look it up?
It might be tempting to think that given so much is available through Google, app-based learning, web-based resources, digibook...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
How do you know your teacher is good?
Looking at examples of good and bad teaching is extraordinarily useful because in our everyday lives, whether as associates, friends or...

Frank Doogan
1 min read
Unique Art in Adam Hare's Songs for Students
Former keyboard player in the UK with a unique approach to the art of song writing, Adam brings a fresh and full humanity to learning for...

Frank Doogan
3 min read
Is being talented your problem?
The word ‘talent’ has its origin in a measurement of weight, and was frequently used as a measurement of silver or gold. In other words,...

Frank Doogan
6 min read
Top two tips for best listening exam scores in IELTS, IB, TOEIC, TOEFL, CAE or CPE
If you would like instead to browse some of our teacher training videos, you can go here

Frank Doogan
4 min read
How to improve reading skills from home
This is an updated reposting of a great piece of writing by Hong Kong tutor Adam Hare in which he looks at how to improve reading skills...

Frank Doogan
4 min read
How to improve your SAT score in Hong Kong
The SAT is a test required for entrance to most US universities. It is one of the essential steps in the US college application process....
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